The Great Christmas Present Wrap

Saturday, 14 December 2019

The one part of Christmas that I know a fair amount of people, do not look forward too, is the present wrapping. I am just not one of those people. Stick on some Christmas music, pick out the best wrapping paper, and I am happy to sit down and get wrapping. One thing I love about gifting and gift wrapping is being able to get creative and add a personal touch to the top of each present.

Of course, Christmas isn’t all about what’s under the tree and the presents that you receive, but if you wanted a little wrapping inspiration, then this one is for you.

Grab all the ribbons, all the sequins, bits of string, table scatter, or whatever else you please and express your creativity in any way you see fit. It was so fun to do! You can make it as inexpensive or pricey as you want. Make it simple or go all out, it's totally up to you.

I had some left over pinecones and mistletoe sprigs from wreath making, so thought to make use of them with the present wrapping. The strings came in a pack of three from a local garden centre, and were around £2. The little mini baubles are from Sainburys and cost £3 for the pack. The brown parcel tape is from Tesco and was £2. A very inexpensive and fun way to do some Christmas craft and get into the festive mood.

Overall, I loved how they turned out and now I can wait to wrap all of the other bits I have, and pop them under the Christmas tree. Can you tell that I am Christmas obsessed yet? Haha.

What's your favourite Christmas themed crafting?
Amber X


  1. Christmas is all about giving, but it's not always the gifts themselves that matter most, but what those gifts bring: happiness, fulfillment, hope.


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