Terry's Chocolate Orange Cheesecake

Sunday, 26 July 2020

During lockdown and furlough, I have done nothing but bake my heart out. I don't think I have ever really done a cooking/baking blog post at all. I am awful when it comes to baking to be honest, especially cakes. Even when following the recipe, it never seems to turn out right. However, I love to cook. I love to try new recipes and find new, favourite meals to switch up what I eat. I decided to make Dad a birthday cheesecake, instead of a birthday cake.. It went down really well, so I thought to share the recipe with all of you. This recipe could be easily changed, to suit your chocolate needs or favs. 

>This< is the recipe that we used. Super simple to follow, although we did tweak it a little bit, to make the cheesecake with a bit more flavour and a little bit of a twist. The recipe was found on Pinterest, there were SO many other ones that looked insane, but the method for this one, just seemed the most simple. 

What you will need: 
75g of unsalted butter
150g of digestive biscuits
200ml of double cream
500g of cream cheese, at room temperature
100g of icing sugar
1 baking tin (we bought one from Morrisons that was £3 and had a bottom that you could push up to make it easier to get out once set)

We decided to add:
1 whole orange
1 Terrys Chocolate Orange
1 bag of Mini Terry's Chocolate Orange

1. Line the baking tin with grease proof paper.
2. Make the base - crush the biscuits into a crumb (we used to end of a rolling pin). Melt the butter and combine. Press this mixture firmly into the bottom of the baking tin, and then chill. 
3. We then melted over a pan of boiling water, a few segments of Terry's Chocolate orange, once melted. Leave to cool on the side. 
4. Add the cream cheese, icing sugar and double cream into a bowl, and whisk together until stiff. We then zested the orange and added the juice of 1 orange into the soft cheese mixture. 
5. Add this mixture into the baking tin, on top of the biscuit base. Drizzle the melted chocolate over the top in any way you wish. 
6. Chill for at least 6 hours. 
7. Once chilled and ready to eat, decorate as you wish with the remaining Terry's Chocolate Orange segments. 

It was heavenly. Couldn't quite believe that we had actually made something that was this nice! We made a white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake yesterday too and I can't wait to see if that one matches up to how good this one was. 
If you do recreate this recipe, I would love to see it!

Have you baked or cooked anything new recently?
Amber X


  1. WOAH, now this LOOKS DELICIOUS! I am obsessed with terry's chocolate orange so I need to attempt this one, also your drizzle skills are immense xx


    1. Thanks lovely! It tasted just as good as it looks! It was super simple - I'd love to see your recreation!xx

  2. Oh my goodness this looks amazing! I love the way you've put the Terry's Chocolate Orange in the middle, it's so pretty!


  3. Oh my gosh, that cheesecake looks incredible!! I like the fact that the recipe is quite simple! NOM!!
    Charlotte / Charlotte's Picks

    1. It's such a simple recipe and it tasted so good - hardest thing was letting it chill in the fridge for a few hours haha!

  4. This looks gorgeous!! I love it. I baked a banana bread yesterday but havent made a lot recently while i am working from home.


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